
Joint action to beat chronic diseases – The Finnish NCD Alliance

Common non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Finland, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases result in significant losses in human and economic terms. Such diseases can be reduced appreciably by influencing their common risk factors, such as smoking, alcohol use, diet and lack of physical activity.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has set the objective of reducing mortality in people under 70 years old from common NCDs in WHO member states by 25 per cent by 2025. The member states will report to the WHO on how they will reach this objective.

The Finnish NCD Alliance has been established to prevent chronic diseases and meet the WHO goal. The Finnish NCD Alliance is a joint action network comprising the country’s largest public health, patient and health professional organisations. The Finnish NCD Alliance will work to

  • prevent the spread of NCDs
  • reduce the adverse factors causing NCDs
  • ensure patients receive treatment and rehabilitation

The Finnish NCD Alliance aims to ensure that

  • government, municipalities and NGOs collaborate to prevent NCDs by making an impact on lifestyles and human environment;
  • Various actors in society collaborate on reducing NCDs.

The Finnish NCD Alliance has compiled a series of objectives for the Government Programme of the government elected in 2015.

PDF-tiedostoNCD+Government+Programme+Objectives.pdf (123 kB)
Finnish NCD Alliance, Government Programme objectives